Will My Phoenix Foam Roof Ever Need Repairs?

Will My Phoenix Foam Roof Ever Need Repairs?

Now that you have a beautiful new foam roof on top of your residential or commercial building, you know you’ve made the right choice. But like roofs on any buildings, even foam roofs that are highly-durable and strong need regular inspections and even a few repairs now and then. If you are wondering about the types of repairs your foam roof may need in the years to come, here are a few we here at Foam Experts Roofing deal with on a regular basis.

Once a polyurethane foam roof is placed on top of a building, you may eventually start to find a few blisters here and there. However, while these are usually due to the presence of moisture, they rarely if ever pose a significant threat to the roof’s integrity. However, when some people spot blisters, they try to make repair attempts that are not necessary, often doing damage along the way that leads to leaks or other issues. Rather than make these mistakes, let our team at Foam Experts Roofing inspect your roof and make the proper repairs.

Dropped Tools
On many commercial buildings that have foam roofs, damage can sometimes occur when maintenance personnel are on the roof making repairs to HVAC systems or other equipment. In these instances, individuals may drop heavy tools that impact the roof’s coating. Other times, heavy foot traffic on a roof may also result in minor damage to the roof’s surface. Yet no matter the situation, all it will take to keep your roof in excellent shape is calling on the Foam Experts Roofing team to apply polyurethane caulking in various parts that have sustained minor damage. A simply repair, the caulking will keep your roof in great shape.

Since you have made a substantial investment in your building’s foam roof, do all you can to make sure it lasts for many decades. Along with taking the necessary precautions when you or others are on the roof, let us at Foam Experts Roofing conduct regular inspections and use our experience and skills to make any minor repairs that are needed.

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