Why Foam Roofing Works Well For Industrial Facilities

Why Foam Roofing Works Well For Industrial Facilities

Since many industrial facilities in Phoenix and the surrounding area have flat roofing, they have many unique aspects regarding upkeep and maintenance. As more companies are finding out, making an investment in their roofing before problems begin will pay off handsomely in the years ahead. To do so, many are exploring the benefits of foam roofing. If you too are curious as to how foam roofing could help your facility, here is some information to remember.

No More Leaks
If your building is one that has experienced more than its share of leaks over the years, a foam roof can put an end to these problems. By using spray polyurethane foam (SPF) on your roof, a protective shell is thus created over the roof, making leaks virtually impossible.

Energy Savings
Unbeknownst to many facility managers, adding a foam roof can lead to tremendous energy savings. Due to polyurethane foam being an excellent way to provide additional insulation to a roof, it can result in greatly reduced heating and cooling bills. As a result, it ultimately pays for itself.

No More Wind Worries
If there is one problem many industrial facilities experience with their roofs, it is wind damage. However, having an SPF roof can often solve this problem as well. Since the foam dries within seconds following its application, it quickly adheres to the roof’s surface. In addition, the foam can be used on steel, concrete, wood, and almost all types of existing roofs, and is also made to expand and contract with existing weather conditions.

Long Lasting Solution
If you are like many managers at industrial facilities, you don’t want to keep on having to worry about replacing your building’s roof every decade or so. By having an SPF roof on your building, you won’t have to keep planning for your next roof. So long as the coating on the roof is regularly maintained, it is likely your SPF roof will last for many decades.

If you would like to learn more about additional benefits of an SPF roof, contact us here at Foam Experts Roofing by calling 480-835-5404.

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