Top 5 FAQs about Phoenix Spray Foam Roofs

Top 5 FAQs about Phoenix Spray Foam Roofs

At Foam Experts Roofing, we get a lot of questions from clients who have never heard of this type of roofing before. They want to learn what it is, how it works, and if it’s really better than most traditional types of roofing. We’re glad to answer these questions because we know how beneficial this roofing material can be for homes and businesses in the area. If you’re interested in learning more, some answers to the most common questions can be found below.

1. How Will it Save Me Money?

Spray foam expands before it hardens, which allows it to effectively cover every square inch of your roof. In turn, this creates an airtight seal that keeps air from coming inside of your structure. This can help keep the interior of your house or building a more comfortable temperature without constantly needing to turn on the air conditioner. Most customers save hundreds per year on energy costs once they have a spray foam roof installed.

2. Is it Durable?

Foam roofing is incredibly durable and can withstand the high heat, wind, and hail that Phoenix experiences throughout the year. What’s even better is that there are no shingles or loose-fitting materials placed on top, which means less damage over time.

3. Is Maintenance Necessary?

It’s important to make maintenance a priority if you have a spray foam roof installed. However, you’ll be delighted to know that maintenance is actually quite easy. This merely consists of cleaning off large debris and regularly checking to make sure there isn’t any damage. If you do see damage, you can easily have it repaired so it can continue protecting your structure.

4. What are the Most Common Repairs?

Since spray foam roofing is so durable, the most common repairs needed are those for holes or cracks. Fortunately, these are easy to fix and can be done by the building owner or a professional.

5. Can I Install It?

Yes! If you have a lot of experience with home projects and roofing, then you can absolutely install a spray foam roof on your own. However, it’s recommended to have a high-quality spray gun on your side to make sure your results are nothing less than perfect. If you don’t have the experience, then we recommend having a trained professional take care of the job for you. Doing so will leave you with peace of mind.

Finding Your Perfect Roof

If you have questions about spray foam roofs in Phoenix, Tucson, or any part of Arizona give our team at Foam Experts Roofing a call. We’d love to give you advice and help you make the right decision for your home or business.

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